Our methodology offers teenagers a qualification in personal, cognitive, social, and productive levels over the course of one year. Our primary goals are spreading the importance of reading from early ages, taking books to kindergartens and enabling teenagers to read to children.

Books and Reading

The book is at the center of our actions as it generates an expansion of cultural repertoire, education of the senses, self-knowledge, and stimulation of creativity. It also reinforces classroom teaching in the ability to express grammar, vocabulary, and concentration, leading to a higher appreciation of learning and increased desire to attend school.

Youth Leadership and Autonomy

LêComigo reveals the strength of young people using the door of reading to awaken self-knowledge and citizenship. The project qualifies teenagers as mediators of reading, inspiring them to generate impact in their communities — using this door as an instrument of sensitization, empathy and human connection.The young people who go through our training journey become multipliers of actions to promote reading, further maximizing our results of a real impact.

Empathy and Collaboration

LêComigo promotes the encounter between young people from different locations, so that they can establish new bonds and act in groups to generate social well-being. Developing empathy and listening to others are key to the process of a positive approach.

We distributed

30,000 + books

books in BRAZIL
up until 2019

Each group of students, inspired by the books and reflections provoked by the team LêComigo, mobilizes and debates ways to transform their realities and the places where they live.


More than


Children and Teenagers

More than


Public Schools Assisted

Other ways to "Read with People"

LêComigo promotes exchange programs and expeditions to visit schools throughout Brazil and helps us spread our passion for books and reading. We also have a teacher training program and we share our experience in creating campaigns to collect used books and organize libraries to be delivered to schools that do not have reading books in Brazil. If you want to contribute or be part of our journey to help change the future of Brazilian children and adolescents, come and talk with us!